All Categories ​>​ ​Frequently asked questions ​ > ​ ​Types of home loans & features ​>​ What is a roll-to rate?

What is a roll-to rate?

A roll-to rate, also known as a revert rate, is a variable interest rate that fixed rates roll to at the end of the fixed term period or an interest-only period. 

Your roll-to rate is based on many factors, but it’s typically on par with the standard variable rate at the time of signing your loan document. You can find Qantas Money’s current roll-to rates on our Rates and Fees page. 

If you're currently on a fixed rate contract, you can give us a call to check your roll-to-rate. Depending on the cost of funding at the time, you may have a low (or high) roll-to rate.

What happens at the end of my fixed term period?

When you reach the end of your fixed term period, you will receive a letter notifying you of the change. We will also give you a call to discuss your options and preference for your loan moving forward.

There are a couple of options you may wish to pursue depending on your roll-to date:

  • You've got a low variable interest rate - When a roll-to variable rate is lower than what is currently available you can choose to let your rate change to the roll-to rate, depending on your situation. Variable rates are likely to move, so monitor your rate and review alternative lenders so that you know what's on offer elsewhere.
  • You've rolled to a high variable interest rate - We will contact you to discuss your options when your fixed term period ends. This is your opportunity to discuss the most appropriate loan for your needs.
  • Fix again - If you prefer to know how your loan repayments will be, or if interest rates are low right now, you may choose to fix your loan again. This will help you secure your interest rate and give you certainty around your repayments.

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