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Currency converter

Use our currency converter to check the current exchange rate for the 10 foreign currencies that you can load onto your Qantas Pay card⁴. Then load and lock in exchange rates on those supported currencies, or load AUD to use worldwide wherever Mastercard® is accepted².


1 AUD =
(This is the Qantas Pay Daily Rate and is subject to change)

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Qantas Pay currency converter

See the foreign exchange rates of the currencies you can lock in with Qantas Pay.

Currency conversion tips

Keep an eye on the exchange rates with our currency conversion tool, we will also offer from time to time some limited time currency discounts - so keep an eye on your email.

When spending in a currency that is not loaded or insufficiently loaded on your card, no international transaction fee or currency conversion fees will be charged, and the currency will convert at the Qantas Pay Daily Rate⁵.

See how it works. It’s easy.

  • Sign up
  • Activate
  • Load
  • Use
  • Manage
Qantas Pay CardQantas Pay Card

Sign Up

Qantas Pay is available to Qantas Frequent Flyer members over 16 years old. You will need your membership details to sign up.
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Join now for free and save $99.50

Qantas Pay Activate mobile

Received your Qantas Pay card. What now?

Don't forget to activate your card when you receive it.

Log in to activate your card

Qantas Pay load mobile

Load money to your Qantas Pay card

  1. Log in to the Qantas Money app or website
  2. Choose your currency (or currencies)
  3. Choose a payment method: Instant Load, Bank Transfer or BPAY®
Qantas Pay use mobile

Use your Qantas Pay card

  • Use your card to make purchases or withdraw money at millions of Mastercard locations worldwide2 or at ATMs worldwide
  • Transfer money between currencies
  • Cash out leftover funds to your Australian bank account
  • Share funds with other Qantas Frequent Flyer members, using Qantas Pay card to card transfers
Qantas Pay manage mobile

Manage your account

Access your account anywhere either via the Qantas Money App or the website and you can;

  • Lock and unlock your card
  • Set and manage your card PIN
  • Set your default currency

Learn more about currency calculator

A currency converter is an online tool that can help you work out the value of your Australian currency in the foreign currency you need. It uses the market rates to calculate what Australian Dollars you’ll be spending, in whatever country you’re spending it in.

Foreign currency is calculated with exchange rates. An exchange rate is how much it costs to exchange one currency for another. These fluctuate all the time as they are traded on the foreign exchange market. The exchange rate is based on the market price of a currency at that time e.g. USD$1 could be worth AU$1.5.

When you make a transfer or check the exchange rate given on your Qantas Pay card, the rate will be different to the market rate and will show you how much you will get if you transfer onto your card³.

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