Credit Card Selector
Your Credit Card Selector
Three simple questions to find the right Qantas Money credit card for you.
Your earnings per year
Your monthly credit card spend
Do you prefer a low annual fee or more benefits?
Did you know?
All Qantas Premier credit cards offer up to 44 days interest free (provided there is no balance transfer and the closing balance from your last statement of account is paid in full each month by the payment due date12); a retail purchase rate of 20.99% p.a. and a cash advance rate of 21.99% p.a.

Did you know?
All Qantas Premier credit cards offer up to 44 days interest free (provided there is no balance transfer and the closing balance from your last statement of account is paid in full each month by the payment due date12); a retail purchase rate of 20.99% p.a. and a cash advance rate of 21.99% p.a.